• Reliable

    Proven quality

  • Feel the power
    of your yacht

    DEMEX - confidence, not on land alone

  • Feel the power
    of your yacht

    DEMEX - confidence, not on land alone

  • Detail

    Professional parts for yachts

  • Feel the power
    of your vehicle

    Vehicle Service Station in Augustów

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  • METSTRADE 2023

    Dodano: 22.11.2023

    METS 2023

    Dziękujemy za udział w METSTRADE 2023 ! Nasze produkty spotkały się z dużym zainteresowaniem i entuzjazmem wśród uczestników targów. Rozmowy na temat najnowszych technologii podkreśliły ich znaczenie w branży rekreacji morskiej. Dziękujemy za niesamowitą atmosferę...

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  • Spotkajmy się na METS w Amsterdamie!

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  • News title 1

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed molestie lectus purus, et dapibus risus posuere at. Donec eget sapien ut urna hendrerit porta. Vestibulum in lobortis eros. In id velit interdum neque mollis faucibus

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  • Tytuł aktualności nr 1

    Dodano: 12.08.2023

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed molestie lectus purus, et dapibus risus posuere at. Donec eget sapien ut urna hendrerit porta. Vestibulum in lobortis eros. In id velit interdum neque mollis faucibus

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  • Hello world!

    Dodano: 14.05.2023

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! sdfsfsdfs

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DEMEX sp. z o.o.
Wypusty 66, 16-300 Augustów, Poland

Vehicle Service Station in Augustów
tel. 87 643 2666 ext. 29, 30
e-mail: stacja@demex.pl

Manufacturing plant
tel. 87 644 7848 wew. 26, 24
e-mail: poczta@demex.pl

Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe Demex Jerzy Demiańczuk is in the process of implementation of a project co-financed by the European Funds: “Robotic production line for boat and yacht fittings as an innovative cluster project and part of the enterprise transfer concept to Industry 4.0”. Project number POPW.01.03.01-20-0003/19

The implementation of the project will allow for dynamic development of the Company. It will eliminate or minimize restrictions on human resources used in production by replacing, among others, the work of welders with a welding robot, machines operated manually by numerically controlled machines. The creation of an innovative production line will allow for optimization, automation and robotization of the production process in the Company. The innovative production line will shorten the production process, reduce the number of complaints and increase the efficiency of work. As a result of the project, new jobs will be created. Projected employment growth by 4 people.

Net project value: PLN 2,688,591.82

Co-financing of the project from EU funds: PLN 1,882,014.27